Sunday, July 02, 2006

What a difference a day makes

Jack Bauer easily retained his "And You Thought Your Day Was Bad" gong at this year's Emmy awards. The fictional star of the hit series 24 got a special citation on winning the award for the 5th consecutive year.

Not only did he go the customary 24 hours without sleeping, eating or drinking; he carried out 167 dangerous missons, killed 2,500 terrorists, saved 120 million civilian lives, caught and/or tortured 200 traitors, had 17 intimate relationships and gained revenge for the murder of 98 close friends. On top of this, his day this year ended with getting kidnapped, drugged, tortured and put on the slow boat to China by the chappies from his award winning crappy day last year.

Jack is currently believed to be in the penthouse suite in the Chinese version of the Hanoi Hilton.

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